Career Paths

Below are some career paths with salary estimations.

Career Path: Maritime Engineering

The Maritime Engineering Staff runs the operation and maintenance of the Engine Department. Occupational and wage estimates ONET and United States Department of Labor, 2014. The par day rate is based on 8 hours.

  • Chief Engineer: $584 per day
  • Assistant Engineer: $320 per day
  • Junior Engineer (Electrician, Welder, Pumpman, Refrigeration Tech, Mechanic, Oiler, Fireman, Watertender): $200 per day
  • Deckhand/Engineer/Wiper: $176 per day
  • Ordinary Seaman: $100 per day

Career Path: Maritime Industry Blue Water Jobs

The jobs are generally on deep water and ocean-going vessels but also represent smaller freshwater ships. These jobs are called deck jobs. Pay Information from August 2015. Trainees in a position may make less.

  • Ship Captain: $42,000-$198,000 per year
  • First Officer/First Mate: $37,000-$143,000 per year
  • Second Officer/Second Mate: $300-$500 per day
  • Third Officer/Third Mate: $250-$400 per day
  • Able-Body Seaman: $150-$250 per day
  • Ordinary Seaman: $100-$200 per day

Career Path: Maritime Industry Brown Water Jobs

The jobs are on inland waterways and are called Deck jobs. The below examples of the beginning salary is from a large inland water company and, August 2015.

  • Captain: $110,000 per year. Estimated
  • Relief Captain: $95,000 per year. Estimated
  • Pilot: $86,000 per year
  • Steerman: $56,000 per year
  • Tankerman: $41,000 per year
  • Tankerman Trainee: $30,000 per year
  • Ordinary Seaman: $100- $200 per day
Students practice knots and dockline handling with instructor in classroom.
Students practice knots and dockline handling with instructor in classroom.

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